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诚通专利商标(香港)有限公司代表出席“Provisions of Breakthrough”主题论坛




8月16日专商所的香港子公司诚通专利商标(香港)有限公司的代表,出席了由中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会在香港主办的“Provisions of Breakthrough”主题论坛。该论坛是第五届贸仲香港仲裁周活动的一部分。

在论坛开幕式上,香港特区律政司司长袁国强以及贸仲委副主任兼秘书长王承杰分别致辞,最高人民法院民事审判第四庭副庭长刘敬东做了主旨发言。论坛分为四个环节。第一环节:“8 Take-aways from the CIETAC Investment Arbitration Rules, CIETAC Hong Kong Rules as Appointing Authority in ad hoc Arbitration and CIETAC Hong Kong’s First Enforcement Case in Chinese Mainland”, 由贸仲香港仲裁委员会秘书长王文英主持。第二环节:“8 Minutes to Road through the CIETAC Hong Kong TPF Guidelines (and a Glimpse of Third Party Funding I Asia), 由Bird & Bird事务所合伙人以及香港贸仲TPF指南工作小组成员Robert Rhoda先生主持。第三环节:“Lawyers to talk about breakthrough moments they’ve experienced that changed theirs views on conducting arbitration”,由Latham & Watkins事务所合伙人Ing Loong Yang主持。第四环节:“Lawyers, arbitrators and in-house counsel to talk about the problems in commercial and investment arbitration they encounter and the practices that they believe are yet to be improved”, 由环球事务所合伙人邢修松。贸仲副秘书长李虎及秘书长王承杰分别做了闭幕总结。业界大约二百余人参加了论坛。